Graceful Exits

Well, guys… Are you still there? I’m still here. And I’d like you to know that I’ve survived the lowest ranks of PTA. I was quite nervous to begin with and my initial interactions within the meetings were quite humbling. But after several meetings, events and countless messages and confirmations and relays of information and… Continue reading Graceful Exits

First Day at a New Job

Last week I wrote about Trash talk and our Neighborhood Group… and this group theme has been on my mind. Honestly, it’s been a new world since we started school a month ago, which has kinda shifted our local network and how we move within it. For example, there’s a family that lives in our… Continue reading First Day at a New Job

Daily Dispatches

There’s a special pink-zippered bag among my daughter’s school belongings that I’ve discovered is the most important item. They call it the Renraku-bukuro (contact/communication bag). But I call it “The Daily Dispatches” and approach it with a “Sir! Yes Sir!” attitude. My daughter is the messenger, carrying all-important paperwork, notices and messages from the teacher… Continue reading Daily Dispatches


So the day I’ve been preparing for for months finally arrived– The Nyuugaku-shiki or Entrance Ceremony for first graders beginning elementary school. The gymnasium was lined with thick red-and-white-striped material on the walls, flowers across the front, and a wide, high desk on the stage. Chairs were social-distance spaced, and overall, a guarded silence pervaded… Continue reading Nyuugaku

Legalities: Babies in Tokyo

This post is intended to outline what an American parent will need to do in Japan to get their newborn baby legal here.  It’s for future reference for myself (I’m rather doubtful of the need at this moment) and for anyone other applicable person who stumbles across this page. (As a disclaimer, though Tokyo is… Continue reading Legalities: Babies in Tokyo