Trash Talk

Every March, we get our Trash magazine in the mail. It’s actually pretty useful and I keep mine on the side of our refrigerator for reference. This trash magazine shows us how and when, over the course of the next year, to dispose of our garbage and recyclables, and which category various types of items… Continue reading Trash Talk

Daily Dispatches

There’s a special pink-zippered bag among my daughter’s school belongings that I’ve discovered is the most important item. They call it the Renraku-bukuro (contact/communication bag). But I call it “The Daily Dispatches” and approach it with a “Sir! Yes Sir!” attitude. My daughter is the messenger, carrying all-important paperwork, notices and messages from the teacher… Continue reading Daily Dispatches


So the day I’ve been preparing for for months finally arrived– The Nyuugaku-shiki or Entrance Ceremony for first graders beginning elementary school. The gymnasium was lined with thick red-and-white-striped material on the walls, flowers across the front, and a wide, high desk on the stage. Chairs were social-distance spaced, and overall, a guarded silence pervaded… Continue reading Nyuugaku